As the nation’s first large scale, explicitly anti-racist community development initiative, HOPE SF will center resident voice, build community wealth, and support healthy communities. We are developing vibrant, mixed income communities at four public housing communities without mass displacement of original residents.

HOPE SF is doing more than rebuilding housing in obsolete communities. We’re changing systems and shifting power to ensure that San Francisco is a racially and economically inclusive city.
HOPE SF will rebuild four public housing sites in San Francisco’s southeastern region.
Through a holistic approach that incorporates human services and environmentally-friendly building practices, we will replace all 1,900 public housing units one-for-one and add affordable and market-rate units, nearly tripling the total number of homes to more than 5,300. San Francisco is investing in previously isolated communities to ensure that residents of HOPE SF enjoy the same prosperity as everyone in the city.
Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash.
Residents are at the center of our work. From the beginning, they advocated for economic opportunity and a seat at the table. They continue to drive the priorities and vision of HOPE SF.
Photo by Samoan Community Development Center.
Join us in building a better future for thousands of San Francisco families.
Here are some ways you can support our work:
Photo by Bruce Damonte of Hunters View, courtesy of Paulett Taggart Architects/David Baker Architects JV.